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I’ve always loved babies and I seem destined to never outgrow a love of baby cuddles.

I’ve even heard people describe me as baby crazy! Becoming a midwife made total sense as a career path and I have loved the past ten years caring for families and their babies.

I’m also a Mum to four beautiful children with 17 years of experience ‘in the field’. However, my final baby threw out the hand-book, especially when it came to sleep. After 9 months the sleep deprivation became more than I could manage.

I had to travel interstate for one-on-one help, but it was worth it. It was miraculous. Within a few short weeks we had a baby who was sleeping like a dream. This experience was a light-bulb moment as I knew I was meant to find a way to help babies and their parents get sleep, ideally in the comfort of their own home. 

I trained further to become Mt Gambier’s first Certified Baby and Toddler Sleep Consultant. And I can’t wait to help parents near and far. I offer phone support too.

As corny as it sounds, my job feels like a dream come true. Helping parents find a balance of sleep that they can manage means they can relax and enjoy those incredibly precious moments with their baby.

My next passion, apart from babies and sleep, is my own family. They are my everything and my favourite place to be is at home with them. I also have a bit of a reputation as a baker. Even that has a link back to babies given the expression a bun in the oven! My specialities are sweet treats and epic birthday cake creations.

Tegan Anderson

I can't wait to assist you.